Ryan's Nursery Tour

Before another year gets away from us...I wanted to capture my son's adorable nursery.

A lot of women pine over their unborn child's nursery. Everything is taken into account; the colors, theme, crib etc. For us that wasn't the case. Everything was handed down and I just didn't know the difference between a breast pump and a crib at that point......basically I was lucky to have anything. I was lucky.

On the eve of Ryan's debut my closest cousins and my super talented step-mother threw together the most amazing nursery a new momma could have! Space themed! Equipped with a rocket night light, toy chest, and hand painted decor. I am not even going to tell you that they fully stocked Ryan's new room with diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, a new hamper and crib sheets.....because thinking of their kindness and generosity makes me tear up even now.

Sometimes our family surprises us in the most amazing ways. Family pulls together to help each other and I will never forget the gracious acts my family gave Dan and I during our first days as parents.

With that said....Please let me show you around Ryan's Spaceship Lair


My favorite are the hand painted rocket ships my step-mother painted to match his bedding.

My step-mother also hand painted this antique toy chest to match Ry's rocket ship them. Like as I said before, we were super lucky to have our family surprise us. Below is Ry's antique dresser hand painted by my step-father. He also cut rocket ships out of wood and painted them to match the room. My favorite touch are the baby blocks he put on each drawer that spells out his name.


Diaper changing station...equipped with wipe warmies, a bink to suppress melt downs and hand sanitizer for those out of control poo moments. I used to used the tiny rocket ship light in the middle of night while changing diapers. (Now I give it Ryan to keep him occupied and still while changing him.)


I took my little brother to see Toy Story 3 while I was pregnant....I think it stuck with me because now I love having these little guys decorate Ry's room. Some other fun things that are on his shelves are; ceramic piggy banks filled with change I find while doing the laundry, 1st Disney ears and my baby shower invite thrown by Dan's sister in-law. {Vintage surf theme}


Lastly, the outfit we brought Ry home in. I can't bare packing it away, so I hung it on his wall. Now when he tackles me or asks me for more juice I can glance at this tiny outfit and remember.....those beautiful first moments.


I love Ryan's little room! Around noon the sun beams through the window and a lot of times we will sit in there and read books or play trucks.

I hope you enjoyed taking a look around! It may not be much....but it is everything for us. And signifies my families greatness. We are so blessed.