Our Favorite Granola Bars

I feel as though this title is a trick, because really they aren't candy . . . but they are sweet like candy and have chocolate (raw cacao, but still). Also, you can't exactly nosh a Snickers if your vegan so what the hell! These tasty bars put up a good fight towards the real deal candy bar. Even if you aren't vegan these bars are still enjoyable and deliver satisfaction when your hankering for something sweet yet healthy.

OK! Fine, they could also be considered granola bars. However, if you want to get your toddler or husband in on the goodness refer to them as candy bars and everyone will want 'em!


What You Need

1/4 cup Coconut Oil

1/4 cup Raw Honey (Or if you are the type of vegan that doesn't eat honey, you can use maple syrup or agave)

1/3 cup Almond Butter

1/3 cup Crushed Raw Almonds

1 cup Gluten Free Oats

1 tablespoon Chia Seeds

1 tablespoon Raw Cacao Powder

1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract

1 teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt

What You Do

-In a large frying pan on medium heat melt together the coconut oil, raw honey and almond butter. Use a spatula to mix together and press lightly on the raw honey to help it melt. Melt these until it all becomes one thin batter. Lower the heat a bit and continue to stir. The honey is likely to burn if you don't keep stirring.

-As you stir add the vanilla and raw cacao powder. Stir until all the ingredients come together into a thin "milk" chocolate colored batter.

-Stir in a half cup of your gluten free oats. Stir until the batter coats all the oats. Now turn off the heat.

-Stir in crushed raw almonds.

-Now stir in the last half cup of gluten free oats. Stir until the everything is coated. The batter now should be thick with coated oats and almonds.

-Sprinkle in the chia seeds and stir on last time.

-Pour your batter into a small baking dish lined with parchment paper. Use the spatula to press into all corners of the pan and smooth out the top.

-Sprinkle the coarse sea salt on top.

-Place in the refrigerator over night. Or until the bars harden.

-Once the bars have set, cut into small bars and store in an air tight container and keep in the refrigerator. These can keep for about a week.
